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Firstly, to show your support! As with many creatives, I’m empowered by a sense of community, and I’d love to be able to share what I’m working on with you.

From writing fiction, to tips for authors, to vintage fashion, to cottagecore coziness—I’m not the sort of guy who likes to “niche down” just because SEO analytics say I should. I write in multiple genres, I speak at international conferences, and I have a hundred and one hobbies on any given day of the week.

By subscribing, you get full access to the complete package: original writing, work that Katie and I do as the Unenlightened Generalists team, even hot new tidbits from Round Table Writers. You’ll also get weekly book reviews and film recommendations! It’s a one-stop shop to the inside of my brain.

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My work goes out across multiple social channels, so keeping up with my life can be a bit of a chore. If you want to see everything I do in one place, and get access to some exclusive tidbits, this is the Newsletter for you.

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I am a scholar, fiction author, and tech enthusiast who's always working on self-betterment. My work ranges from fiction, to philosophy, to politics, to how-to guides. Opinions here are solely mine and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.


I'm a professional writer, editor, lecturer, and researcher. My work spans popular fiction genres, philosophy, library science, and more! As one half of the artistic duo the Unenlightened Generalists, I create eclectic content for an anxious age.